About Midwest Dental Assistants School
Midwest Dental Assistants School, Inc. (MDAS) offers the finest technology and equipment for student training and is staffed with qualified, approved instructors. Our programs consist of Dental Assisting and Dental Administration courses. Each course is taught in a private state-of-the-art dental facility with the latest in modern dental technology. We put an emphasis on the “hands-on” training with 80% of the program devoted to clinical/lab training. Upon graduation, students will have the knowledge and skills to be a key player in any dental office.
With low cost tuition and many convenient financing options, Midwest Dental Assistants School is practical and affordable.
Unlike a four-year or even a two-year degree, that requires time and effort to attend classes that are not career specific, Midwest Dental Assistants School focuses on the knowledge and experience to succeed as a dental assistant. This accelerates the course study, making it possible to graduate in as little as fifteen weeks.
Lectures and labs are typically one night a week. Clinicals are schedule around each student’s availability. This allows students who desire to work, to continue to work with out any interference from their education. This also affords students to schedule around important activities in their private lives.