Enrollment Form
The course was very fun and hands on, Holly was my teacher and she was great, very patient and fun to have as a teacher. I would definitely recommend to anyone who has a slight interest in dentistry, do it!!
“Refreshing to have a student placed within the dental office that already has knowledge of the inner workings of the dental office. Very impressed by Midwest Dental Assistants School’s training. We hired your student out of her externship.” – Kayla from Dr. Sweeney’s office
I had a great experience going to school here!! Maria was a great teacher. Very understanding and super super nice.
“Your student was so quick to meld with our office’s pace, very skilled. Impressed by her dental knowledge. We hired your student after her externship.” – Holly from Dr. Ogunleye’s office
“Just wanted to thank you for the great experience I had at Midwest DA. You made me realize that I do have what it takes to be a dental assistant. I absolutely love where I’m at, and could never have made it without you! I cannot thank you enough. You and your program turned my entire outlook around. You have so much compassion for your students, and want what’s best for them!” – Destinee from Omaha, NE